Thanks to @ninahcaplan for this very nice article issued in The Times Magazine, dated Saturday March 4, 20023 pointing The women making the
world's finest brandies ! We enjoyed her visit @domaine_d_esperance this summer.
" BRANDY MIGHT BE SEEN as a gentlemans drink; a shifter to be nursed in front of the fire as he discusses the issues of the day. But not in Armagnac.
That's because in this region of southwest France Many of the finiest brandies are made by WOMEN
All the Armagnacaises I met were outspoken.
"I hate selling my armagnac," said Claire de Montesquiou of Domaine d'Espérance as she showed me around her cellars - I think she considers it akin to selling one's children. She is, however, very good at it, making lovely aged expressions but also
Cobrafire, a cocktail-friendly unoaked white brandy that flies off American shelves. Her hushand is descended from d'Artagnan.

"To the question of why so many women are making armagnac. I would answer: why not? Armagnac is their heritage". @ninahcaplan #domainedesperance #armagnac #armagnacs #armagnacnews #armagnaclover #thetimes #craftspirit #basarmagnac
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